Easycare 5 Overlay Air Mattress
VAT exemption
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Find out more about VAT exemptionThe Easycare 5 Overlay Air Mattress has a digital LCD interface that allows easy to see weight settings, intelligent pressure sensing, panel lock, and multi functionality. Meaning one pump can swap between the air cushions and overlay, as well as the 6″, 7″ & 8″ deep cell replacement mattresses simply by changing mode. One pump is all you need, making it one of the most flexible systems on the market and at an incredibly low price.
Key Features:
200 x 90 x 12cm
17 replaceable cells
Dynamic 1 in 2 cycle therapy
Static constant low-pressure therapy
Panel Lock
IPS – Intelligent pressure sensing
Digital LCD Weight input
Multi-functional – same pump operates cushion, overlay, 7″ & 8″ mattresses.
Multi-Mattress one pump feature
Low Pressure and Power Loss alarms
Plug and Play – No need to learn every feature in the pump. Switch on and every else is automatically set up.
- Weight setting up to 180kg
- Intelligent pressure sensing for optimum interface pressure ,
almost silent operation - LCD screen
- Panel lock
- Low pressure and power failure alarms
- Multi-functionality- one pump operates at different pressures depending on chosen mode for: cushion, overlay, 7” replacement & 8” replacement
- Static & dynamic modes
- Stylish & intuitive design
- Automatically switches off when the optimum internal pressure is reached
- 17 replaceable cells
- 1 in 2 cell cycle
- 2 way stretch waterproof vapour permeable zipped cover
- Fully launderable
200cm x 90cm x 12cm - Patients up to 180kg
- Mechanical (or Dynamic) Therapy loading & offloading fully allows perfusion and thus reactive hyperemia